Sunday, March 23, 2008

Well, well, well...

Seems like Hillary's got some explaining to do.

Recently, the National Archives released over 11,000 pages of Mrs. Clinton's schedule when she was first lady. Here are some of the shocking revelations contained in the documents:

1) When Cuba Gooding Jr. was winning his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor at the 1997 Academy Awards ceremony for his role as "Billy" in "Jerry McGuire", Mrs. Clinton was hosting an "Oscar Party" at the White House. What else is she hiding?

2) Mrs. Clinton's schedule reveals that on June 3, 1998, while Germany was waking up to news of the Eschede train disaster, the world's deadliest high-speed train disaster, Hillary Rodham Clinton was hosting a consortium on children's health care. Guess she cares about health care, that is, unless you're a German child heading home from the hospital in a high-speed train, right, Mrs. Clinton?

3) While Bill Clinton was in a closed NSA meeting, Hillary Rodham Clinton, potentially the next leader of the free world, was reading the newspaper while, get this, eating breakfast!!! "Sorry, Ahmadinejad. I'm sure it's an emergency - it's 3 fucking a.m.! But I still got half of the funnies to get through." Right, Mrs. Clinton?

Well, well, well. Well, well, well. Well?

1 comment:

Joyful Shepherd said...

Great reporting! Thanks, Olive Duster!