Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mommy 'Complex'

Well, Mother's hysterectomy has been a fun time for all of us at ...Diet Soap and we hope you have enjoyed the graphic illustrations and anecdotes about this hilarious procedure. But, alas, all good things must end. Mother has had rather painful trips to the bathroom only to be diagnosed by her quack with 'Complex Diarrhea.' According to this idiot (I accompanied my Mommy who seems to have grown 20 years older now that she has been robbed of her daily White Russian intake (a sober Mother will be detailed in a later post)), there are four kinds of diarrhea. I won't bore you, but Mumsy has "inflammatory diarrhea" that occurs when there is damage to the mucosal lining or brush border, prolly as a result of the hysterectomy. Normally, I wouldn't care - I would continue reading Variety or playing with my PSP while she moans in the bathroom. But, of course, nothing is easy with Mother. She wants me to "keep her company" while she sits there. So I have to talk to her through the closed door and read aloud from People Magazine (which is fucking hysterical). Should clear up with antibiotics...

Funny shit - literally.

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