Saturday, February 23, 2008

You read my mind, Bill Gates!

In a surprise, and wholly unnecessary, proclamation, Bill Gates offered his prediction of the future of computer technology while answering questions on BBC's website recently. Gates said, "I'll be brave, in five years we'll have many tens of million of people sitting browsing their photos, browsing their music, organising their lives using [a] type of touch interface," he said. "That is, as long as their hands are their natural hands and not some type of prosthetic or robotic limb", he continued." "Those unfortunates will likely have to be provided with specially trained dogs to tap their screens for them as newer technologies will likely incorporate special fail-safe software to prevent 'smarter' computers and robotic technologies from using their own computers to gain the upper hand in their relentless, unseen war against human technologies, or 'people.'" Gates did offer hope for amputees, however, saying, "There may be a time in the distant, far-off future when amputees using prosthetics will be read as 'hybrids' or 'half-breeds' by computers and, therefore, given partial access to specific programs, such as iTunes and Excel. But, I wouldn't hold my breath."

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