Sunday, August 26, 2007

Stephen Colbert, who do you think you're fooling?

After greeting Mother and exchanging pleasantries (i.e., details about my brother's disappearance), we said goodnight and I went into the study to relax in front of the television. And what did I see but a pathetic, failed attempt by television's Stephen Colbert to lure me out of hiding and onto his show. Broken wrist, Stephen? More like a thinly veiled reference to my deformity. Did you think I would take the bait? Think again.

Oh, and one thing his viewers might want to consider as they hail Stephen as the new voice of America. Colbert is typically pronounced kohl-BERT. How does he pronounce it? Yes, kohl-BEAR. Time to put yourself on the threatdown, Stephen? Unless you're not a covert part of the pro-bear agenda that is bringing this nation to it's knees. We knew the bears would make their way into popular media; we just thought it would be on FOX.

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