Monday, October 22, 2007

Dear Mr. Jesus...

...Diet Soap offers another wildly popular contest!

Uh-member that girl who sang that horrible horrible song, "Dear Mr. Jesus" that many of us have struggled unsuccessfully to excise from our hippocampus? Whoever answers the most questions correctly wins the goods:

1) What was her name?
2) How old is she now?
3) How many felonies has she committed?
4) How many bullet wounds does she have?
5) Does she shave her underarms?
6) What was her major and minor at Yale, if she attended that school?
7) What is her favourite colour (of human skin)?
8) Who is her fav Saved by the Bell thespian?
9) How much does her tumour weigh (if she has one - bonus for location of tumour)?


10) What does her prison tattoo say (not the Jesus one)?

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

by mistake i went to not nearly as funny. some fatass talking about no more "tomorrows". a realy cunty mcdumdum if you ask me. hey olive, i suffer from HIV indifference, right? too bad fatty mcdumdum over at dietspot doesn't suffer from calorie indifference or clogged artery indifference or low self-esteem indifference. right, cunty? i mean right, olive?

The Calling Card Man said...

hey anonymous,

Watch your damn mouth! Clogged Artery Indifference Indeed. (burb).

Olive Duster said...

Ladies, please. Let's just all agree to honour my indifference to this bickering and get back to dolphin bashing. It just may save a few lives.