Sunday, November 18, 2007

Brother, you are history

If my house is the Franco-Prussian War (or the War of 1870), then I am the French ambassador and Oliver is the Prussian king and pizza toppings are the Hohenzollern candidate for the Spanish throne and my favorite pint glass is Alsace-Lorraine and I want my fucking glass back !!!! And stop putting pepperoni on everything!!!! And stop stealing, I mean "borrowing", my history books about the Franco-Prussian War, or as the French call it, the War of 18 fucking 70!!!!

I don't know who Napolean III is - the pizza boy? Send your answer today!

Oh yeah, and Mother is Germany (she eggs us on, especially after a full day of drinking White Prussians).


The Calling Card Man said...


Too many White Prussians? Right. Just keep stomping on my Six Million Dollar fantasy of you, ahright?

Anonymous said...

Oliver: It has been some time since you have posted. What's wrong. Cat got your hand?

Anonymous said...

Where the Hell are you, girl? You are past your due date for posting.
You know how nervous I get without you.
Come Back Home;
Not Now, But Right Now!